
Birthday Blessings.

Today is a very special day, not only here in America, but also in South Africa. Today, my boyfriend and I are celebrating our three year dating anniversary together, and it is also his 28th birthday. Divide 28 in half and what do you get? 14! The age that two very special twins in South Africa turned today, as well.

Samkelo and Bongani, HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY!

These boys are the sweetest, and I mean THE SWEETEST 14 year old twins you'll ever meet. Growing up in a household without a father figure, these boys have learned their manners and responsibilities all on their own, from opening doors for the ladies, helping to raise their niece and nephews properly, washing cars to earn money to buy seeds to plant in their very own garden and fetching water for the family to cook and bathe with.

While visiting at their house the day before we had to come back home, the boys were ecstatic about showing off their garden and insisted that we plant some sprouts ourselves. We watched as Samkelo rushed around, creating rows to place our sprouts in while barking orders in Siswati at his brother for him to bring the watering can.

After myself, my aunt and our friend Anda planted our sprouts in the boys' garden, Samkelo announced that it was now "our family garden", and boy did my heart melt. It was at that time, that I truly felt at home. To know these boys for just two weeks and to have them and their entire family accept us as their family was such a wonderful feeling. Their aunt, Zodwa asked me if I was ever going to come back and visit, and to make a promise in their culture is a big deal... if you can't fulfill that promise, don't make it... but I looked at her and said, "I promise, sesi", meaning "I promise sister." I've already made an impact on this family and they have done the same to me, why would I not go back to visit them?

Happy Birthday, sweet boys! Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing all the stories! It is great to see the impact you had...and the impact they have had on you! What a great testament of how God works in all of our relationships to grow each other!
